Map of Provincial Parks of British Columbia, Canada
Provincial Parks and Protected Areas of British Columbia
Provincial Parks and Protected Areas
British Columbia is recognized around the world for the beauty and ecological breadth of its natural environment. From deserts to glaciers, grasslands to rainforests, prairie to ocean, British Columbia has it all.
Like the landscape, the ecology of this region is spectacular. British Columbia is home to 488 species of birds, 468 species of fish and 75% of all mammals in Canada (142 species). Overall, there are 1138 species of vertebrates and between 50,000 and 70,000 species of invertebrates, making British Columbia the most species rich province in Canada.
British Columbia boasts a protected areas system as diverse as the landscape it represents. From the first provincial park in 1911, the protected areas system has grown to cover more than 12% of the province with more than 800 provincial parks, protected areas, ecological reserves and national parks. They comprise more than 11 million hectares and vary from little known beaches to vast tracks of mountains, forests and waterways.
Caves and alpine meadows, mountain peaks, virgin rain forests, extinct volcanoes, paddling and portage routes, historic towns, Pacific islands and the nation's highest waterfall are park features in some of the representative landscapes of B.C.
Discover Camping Campground Reservation Service
British Columbia's parks are recognized internationally for their spectacular, natural beauty and affordable, attractive campsites. Almost 3 million people camp in British Columbia's parks each year. To secure your spot in British Columbia's great outdoors you can now reserve a campsite online or with a single phone call. Discover Camping campground reservation service makes it easier than ever to camp in many of B.C.'s parks.
Making a Reservation
Now you can make your reservation online 7 days a week at or you can call the Discover Camping campground reservation service toll-free at: 1-800-689-9025 (689-9025 in Greater Vancouver). Agents are available to take your reservation from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm Monday to Friday and 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday, Sunday and statutory holidays (Pacific Time), April 1 to Sept. 15.
Reservations can be made up to three months in advance and two days prior to your arrival date at the campground. Reservable arrival dates vary from park to park, with the earliest date being April 15 and the latest being September 15.
Not all provincial Parks accept reservations, so please refer to the listings on the following pages. Information at time of publishing may be subject to change.